AWS and Microsoft Azure

Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure are the two largest cloud providers in the world, offering a wide range of services for deploying and managing infrastructure in the cloud. One key technology that helps ensure secure and reliable connection to cloud resources is Virtual Private Network (VPN).

Why does the cloud need VPN?

VPN creates a secure tunnel between your local network and cloud resources, facilitating secure data exchange over public networks. Connecting VPN to the cloud allows you to configure a secure connection for transmitting confidential data and provides convenient access to cloud resources.

Connecting VPN to AWS

To connect VPN to AWS, you can use Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), which allows configuring a secure connection between your local infrastructure and AWS cloud resources. The procedure for connecting VPN to VPC involves creating a virtual private gateway and configuring the VPN connection.

Which service to use for AWS

For example, to establish a VPN connection between your local network and VPC in AWS, you can use the AWS Site-to-Site VPN service, which enables a secure connection between your router and the virtual private gateway in the cloud.

Connecting VPN to Microsoft Azure

Similarly, to connect VPN to Microsoft Azure, you can use the Azure Virtual Network service, which allows creating secure network connections between your local infrastructure and Azure cloud resources. This requires creating a virtual network and configuring a VPN gateway.

Which service to use for Microsoft Azure

For example, to create a VPN connection between your local network and virtual network in Azure, you can use the Azure VPN Gateway service, which enables configuring a secure tunnel between your router and the VPN gateway in the cloud.


Using VPN to connect to AWS and Microsoft Azure cloud resources helps ensure secure and reliable communication between your local infrastructure and the cloud. By following detailed guides on setting up VPN in both cloud services, you can create a secure connection and facilitate convenient access to cloud resources.