WordPress is one of the most popular platforms for creating and managing blogs. However, like any other content management system, it is susceptible to various security threats. To protect your blog from hacker attacks and other threats, it is important to follow specific security rules.

Plugin Updates

The first step in securing your WordPress blog is to regularly update the system and plugins. CMS developers regularly release bug fixes and vulnerability patches, so it is important to keep an eye on new updates and install them as soon as possible.

Strong Passwords

Additionally, it is crucial to use strong passwords for all accounts associated with your blog. Complex passwords consisting of a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters make it more difficult for attackers to compromise your account.

Security Plugins

For added protection against hacker attacks, you can install specialized security plugins that perform automatic data backups, monitor site activity, and block suspicious IP addresses.

Regular Auditing

It is also important to regularly audit your blog for vulnerabilities and monitor its security. This will help you quickly detect and address any potential security issues.


In summary, ensuring the security of your WordPress blog involves following simple rules: regularly update your system and plugins, use strong passwords, install security plugins, and conduct regular security audits. By following these recommendations, you can protect your blog from external threats and ensure its stable operation.